There are over 100+ tools to use on the WebTV Help Page. This page tells you what they are and what they do.
HISTORY -- gives the history in clickable links to all sites visited in this session on WebTV.
SPEEDY SOURCE VIEWER -- NEW! gives html source and links to page automatically & quickly.
MAGICK -- Image magick ; mordify images from thumbnails to a big variety of special effects.Now brought to you by Net4TV...
DOMINIA, PWS, Freeloader UPLOAD --- tells the upload on a referred page to upload your material. Put in password and username. MultiLoad you can load up to 5 at a time
WebTV® SCRAPBOOK UPLOAD --- allows a referred page to be uploaded to Page Builder on
DR. HTML -- tells the images on a referred page by clicking on the button. Use the Help page with an F key!
THUNDERSTONE validator -- gives you the html of a referred page or you can type in a page you wish to validate.
FILEDEX -- image finder that shows you the html of te images on a page. Good Tool! referrer code built in! New!
ZIPPY meta-joke page -- puts comical jokes on a webpage from a referred sourse page. Quite a hoot and it can be mailed from the page.
DEVIOUS VISITOR MONITOR -- if you clic it on you will send me an email telling me you visited! Thanks and I will try to email you back.
GIF WIZARD/LYCOS -- enter a name of what gif you are looking for separated by + sign and no space to have it search for you. EX. hot+air+balloon
BACKWARDS PAGE -- Give you a mirror image of a webpage from a referred source.
BLACK HOLE -- CLIC on it and SEE!
CLEAR CACHE -- will send you to a page which if you clic it on will clear the recent memory from your WebTV.
WEBTV SEARCH -- search engine of WebTV sites (limited sites on line)
MYIMAGER.COM -- similar to WebFX and does special effects on gifs
WebFX -- special effects to a gif or jpg (very good)
GIF MECHANIC -- reduces gifs or jpg to a smaller byte size for easier loading
LOGINs -- for HP log into files for Geocities, TRipod, Angelfire, FortuneCity, TalkCity, WBS, ZyWeb etc.
COOKIE LOGIN -- Special login that uses cookies to save you logins. Adaption of script from MadRabbit.
GIF sizer -- tells you the height and width in pixels for adding to your html tags for easier loading, Must be referred gif.
TRANSLATIONS EXPERTs -- a multi-language translator for webpages and text.
FLAMING TEXT.COM -- makes banners and buttons with all kinds of fonts and styles.
TRIPOD/GEOCITIES SYSTEM CHECK -- checks the status of their pages and server
DR. WATSON 4.0 -- a validator which you enter the URL into.
Y-A-H newgroup -- link to alt.discuss.young-at-heart
STAR BLVD TRANSLOADER -- tool to upload your own gifs, jpgs, html, wavs, mid, etc to your HP file.
TRANSLOADER STATUS -- reads BUSY if StarBlvd is not active and TL OK if it is up for use.
ASK JEEVES -- ASk Jeeves a question and it will run a search in multi engines. Easy to use!
SITE OWNER.COM -- 6 special tools to create meta tags search for your HP links, survey your site for tags etc. VERY USEFUL.
DOGPILE -- multi-search engine for searching for something on the internet.
COLOR CUBE -- gives you a numberical code for various colors and fonts.
YAH IRC -- Chatroom for Young-at-Heart
GROTTO -- LeFantome's Grotto of Seduction Chatroom. BEst on the net! Prejudiced of course. ;-)
LeFantome & Angelique Fantasy -- my home page
LEFANTOME's SEARCH ENGINE -- imagemap and search engine for my site.
PUZZLER -- Phantastic Puzzler slide game for a little fun from LeFantome!
GOOGLE -- new search engine for sites on the net
VOYCABULARY -- dictionary and thesaraus for webpages.
FUNKY fonts -- decorative fonts you can use in webpages or email Ex. Rainbow text
SEARCHING FOR A MIDI -- Searching for a midi search engine on the internet.
WORD PROCESSOR -- Useful for testing out your HTML before putting in email or HPage.
MAMA -- multi-engine search tool...very good one
WBS TRANSPORT -- Transport entire sites to WBS which has unlimited webspace. Good to mirror sites
CUSTOM BARS -- make your own custom bars and lines
ZYRIS GRAPHIC -- banner maker from Zpris, 3D, animated type graphics...
BANNER GENERATOR -- bit more complicated but uses a variety of fonts to make a banner.
COOLtext BANNERs -- makes stunning banners for Webpages and email
SWITCHUSERS -- takes you from here to another mailbox on WEbTV
LeFantome's TABLE -- an index of all my pages on the web.
WTVPALS -- intro page to my email list group on the net. Sign up and application available. Please read the rules!
PALS CHAT -- WebTV Pals Chatroom
HTML in EMAIL -- definitive page from Paul Erickson
DRACC -- The definititve site for Gifs for WebTV
NOSE's HOMECAMS -- Indoor CAMS on the WEB (rated R)
COLOR TEST -- Check font colors against a background that you choose. Very useful
TABLE MAKER -- enter the type of table you want and get the HTML to make it.
ERICKSON -- links of Paul Erickson which are the best on WEBTV!
CHEAT SHEET -- handy tags to put on your email or webpage.... Check it out!
NEWBIE HTML -- a good tutorial on HTML for newbies
JOHN WILLIAMS Midis -- midis from John Williams the musican who gave us music for Star Wars
TBOOB's MIDI - another very good audio site for midis
DOC DOC -- another great site for midis
DEJA NEW -- tells what posts a person has made from the NG's
PAGE MAKER -- a javascript tool to create webpages. NEW!
ELISIA's RA -- great RA site that WebTV can hear
COUCH POTATO -- great buttons and backgrounds. Custom made for free too!
FUNNIES -- funny cartoons and jokes
TRANSLATOR -- language translator from ALta Vista
COOL ARCHIVE BANNERS -- another banner maker
DIALECTIZER -- turns webpages and script into redneck, swedish chef and many more.
SIG BUILD -- tool that just have to fill in blanks to make your own sig script. FORM MAKER -- a tool to make your own forms using radio button, check boxes and fill in blanks.. LINK CHECK -- Let Gif mechanic check all your links on a single webpage and email you back.
SIG BUILDERS -- New! A tool to make your own signatures by creating the html for you!
PACEWORKS -- Advertising animated banners for promoting your site
LeFANTOME"S Greeting CARDS --- make a personal greeting card online and send it.
UPLOAD HELP -- Great tutorial on how and where to transload.
SUBINA77's TRICK -- GReat Tricks page for WebTV
PROTOTYPE -- Great ideas and tools Page from a true genius
BETSY's GRAB BAG -- Cut and Paste HTML for webpages
CORNER BACKGROUNDS -- tutorial on how to make 'em
© 1997-98-99